17 October 2008


You see, I have this incredibly funny and talented cousin named Stacey. Stacey and I were pretty much best friends growing up.  She lived just two streets over and we had a BLAST in EVERYTHING we did.  Why do we grow up?

Each year we would go to St. George together for a week with Grandma and Grandpa Nichols.  They lived down there and grandpa ran the gold shop.  I have MANY stories about Hoola Hoops, Suspicion, and the gas station and some AMAZING pictures that will have to be posted later, but boy, those were the good days!

ANYWHO, I was paroosing around on her blog today and saw this list.  I thought that I would take part:

5 things I was doing 5 years ago
1 - Serving in Heflin Alabama, aka HELL FELL IN!  Listen, 4000 people IN THE ENTIRE COUNTY!... The town preacher knew about me BEFORE I met him.  It was like Mayberry meets...Mayberry.

2-5. HEFLIN.  I won't bore you with stories.  I KNOW that stoned, glazed, distant look that each of you get when I start up, SO I WON'T.

5 favorite snacks
1- Reese's Peanut Butter....ANYTHING!  WHY?!

2- YOGURT!...and granola.

3- Apples, cold, cut into four slices, and cored

4- Sour candy.  BRING IT ON!

5- Anything gummy fruit.  The bulk candy at the grocery store....AH....

5 jobs I have had
1- Wingers's host and server.  Three HARDCORE years.

2- JCPenny telemarketing.  After only two weeks of employment, my resignation was placed in the "suggestion box" with a note that said "I suggest you send Greg Larsen his final paycheck in the mail."  This decision was made MID CALL from yet another woman ordering a size 48 triple E extra elegant black lace bra all in such a thick Southern accent that not even Oprah could work her magic.  (Karma kicked in and I got my mission call to ALABAMA two months later...)

3- Danville Services as job coach for adults with mental handicaps.  I LOVED THIS JOB!

4- Specimen Processor.  OH THE STORIES.  I got ALL the lab samples from the Northern Utah area.  My hands were on things not even the owner should have had to witness.

5- Manager at Rodgers Memorial Theatre.  This is where I began the saga that is MANAGER/BOY!

6- Unemployment....if only I got paid for interviews...

5 things I would do with a million dollars
1- Mortgage a home one day, and then walk in the next day with a briefcase full of cash and say, "Oh, I completely forgot that I had this." The amount of interest accrued in one day would be worth it.

2-Pre-pay the utility bills indefinitely.  I HATE paying the utility bill.

3- Travel the world with my family and see the architectural marvels of the world.

4- Buy my own nice rental properties in Provo and provide them free of charge for young families who show dedication and faith in their studies and in their personal lives.

5-INVEST and set a perpetuity for my family that provides the funding for annual excursions to the greatest historical parts of the world.

5 things that made me laugh this week
1- When I told myself that I would be in bed by 10:30pm every night this week.

2- When I realized that I left my slacks at grandma's and the only pair of pants that I had to wear to church were an old pair of pants that are now BOOTY PANTS... SHAME!

3- When my wife and I sang the GOLDEN GIRLS theme song to each other. I am NOT ashamed.  It's just how I roll.

4- When I almost went to an interview for one of those mall kiosk jobs.

5-When an old lady was rolled out of a restaurant on a STRETCHER flirting with the EMT.  Good to the last drop.

Thank You.


Chelsea and Spencer said...

I am thinking Alabama was 5 years ago and not 10. Just a thought.

Bethany said...

agreed on the alabama whoopsie. i'm pretty sure you are not THAT old...ten years ago, i was 15. i think. crap, now i forgot how old i am...

Ben said...

SUSPISION! Foooorbids my heart! SUSPICION! Keeeeeps us apart!
Best. Song. Ever.
We had fun, didn't we?!
This post made my whole day to see! Thanks for the shout out!