22 October 2008

Out of touch....THANKFULLY!

You see, I have been married to my best friend and most beautiful person I know, inside and out, for a year and a half now. Not only this, but we dated (with a "minor" break) since the month after I got home from my mission. In all, we have been dedicated to each other (I will just ignore the past elephant in the room named Megan's old boyfriend) for almost FOUR YEARS! I LOVE my wife and I would not change my devotion and love to her for the world. She is so much of my joy.

That being said, we can conclude that my ability to flirt with strangers of the opposite sex has, respectfully, SUBSTANTIALLY DIMINISHED. HOLLA!

This was apparent today. As I walked into my Doctrine and Covenants class I sat myself next to a guy (I shall name him "Chuck"). Two seats away was another student, a nice young lady (I shall name her "Nancy"). After a couple minutes of silences, Chuck leaned over and asked Nancy, "When is the test for the class scheduled?" Nancy replied, "I don't know?" This is when I, being as friendly and as informative as usually, stepped in and said, "Friday." Chuck thanked me.

Chuck then leaned over in Nancy's direction and asked, "What are you going to do to prepare for the test?" Nancy really didn't know what she was going to do to prepare. "HELPFUL I" stepped in and informed them both that there was a convenient study guide posted online that would answer all their questions. Chuck and Nancy thanked me.

Chuck now turned his body toward Nancy and asked, "So, do you think we need to study up on maps and such for the test?" Nancy didn't know. I KNEW! "You need to know dates AND locations for the test. Review of the maps in your scriptures should be sufficient." Nancy thanked me. Chuck, initially did not. Chuck just stared at me with heavy eyes. Chuck THEN softly thanked me.

I asked myself, "why is Chuck being so nasty? I am just being helpful.......OH, I GET IT!" Sorry Chuck. How I have lost touch with things of flirting. Chuck was just trying to get his groove on and I thwarted that effort. Chuck just wants some affection; what's wrong with that?

I took hint and allowed Chuck to work his mojo. Chuck asked Nancy, "So what are you doing this weekend?" Nancy replied, "Going to a corn maze with my fiance."

LADIES, wear your ring. It will save Chuck time.


Cheryl said...

Bet Chuck doesn't sit next to you next class :)

Elizabeth said...

You know Dwigh... I mean Gregory. If you really don't want to be compared to him, maybe this wasn't the best story to tell. Smooth!

Elizabeth said...

Also, I bet Check doesn't sit near Nancy either.

Elizabeth said...

Dang it, I meant Chuck!

Unknown said...

Ha ha! That is a CLASSIC BYU story. Loved it.

Ben said...

This made me giggle out loud. I can just see you all informative and helpful while Chuck struggles to get his pimp on.
Don't feel too bad about it, though...if everything I have heard about BYU is true, he's probably engaged to someone else by now (:

On a different note, HOW DID YOU KNOW SOMETHING BAD WOULD HAPPEN TO THE FROG?! When I went back and read your post, I was AMAZED...and a little frightened (:
I mean, these frogs should live for 6 or 7 years, and we made it a whopping FOUR DAYS.
Is it possible you are a pet-psychic? Perhaps...

Ali said...

OH my gosh Greg. YOU ARE SO FUNNY. I am now a almost-regular reader of your blog. Good thing bethany linked it on her blog...this is Ali your smoothie making friend...or foe??? :)

Bethany said...

just. happened.