10 October 2008

Confessions of a missionary

So I was thinking today of things that I have done in my past that I think were funny.  I reminded myself of one of my shining moments.  When I was serving in Ensley, AL on my mission (comparable to Compton.....fo real) I had a little problem with disobedient Elders that were quite lazy (I know you don't believe it, but they are out there) and I decided to show them that ELDER LARSEN was not one to mess with. 

SOOOO at a district meeting I had explained that as a good district leader I had made them cookies......SUCKERS!

I used a classic family recipe, but added a few......CUPS of this!

milk of mag


For those of you who do not understand what this does....let's just say, with such a dose, constipation who not be an issue for YEARS and sneezing would put them into dangerous territory.

HOWEVER, the liquid made the cookies quite ugly (I now know that breaking the pills into the batter would be a much better alternative.)

bad cookies

I called to inform them that I took it upon myself to give them something to do while they were lazying it up in their apartment.  Keeping them productive, really.  AND I don't even feel bad about it.

Parenting my way is going to be a lot of fun.


Anonymous said...

Greg! I found your blog and this story was hilarious. I'm so excited for you and your cute wife! You guys are going to be the cutest parents:)

Hope Provo is good. Thanks for letting me blog stalk ya!


Bethany said...

it's all making sense now....the sickness after dinner. how can i ever trust your cooking again. i'll have to stick to the pre-packaged candy...stock up!