27 October 2008

Whistle while you work

Welcome to the Apollo Apartments

floor da loom

No, no, turn around. Those are the nice apartments that we live ACROSS THE STREET from.

Apollo Apartments

When we first pulled up to the apartments, Megs said, "it looks just like West Side Story." Book....cover....NO! Once we got inside and took a look around, it was love at first sight.

Apollo Apartments - 2

We live on the far end, bottom unit. If we had lived on the other two floors, we would have sold half of our furniture. We love it!

Apartment 20

Meet Mr. Davis. Mr. Davis is our landlord.


Mr. Davis served as a Mission President in New Jersey and Temple President in San Diego. He pretty much lives for his family and fixing apartments. He is such a good man.


Thanks to CameraPhoneSpyCam, I got these great pictures of Mr. Davis at work fixing our kitchen sink. The best part of Mr. Davis is his CONTINUAL whistling. When I say CONTINUAL, I mean CONTINUAL. He could be a professional whistler. The decibel level at which he whistles is truly outstanding. We can hear him coming from LITERALLY 30 feet away WITH OUR DOOR CLOSED. That's not all. What does he whistle? CHURCH HYMNS! WE LOVE IT! How much more "Happy Valley" can you get? His hymn of choice while fixing the sink was ONWARD CHRISTIAN SOLDIERS. What a man, what a man. He motivates me to be a more positive and happy worker. Life is too crazy to do things ornery. (You read it here first, Megs. I am setting another personal goal.)

Now....(drum roll.....) our newest addition!



We happen to live only three blocks away from the R.C. Willey Outlet store in Provo. We have had our eye on this little beauty for a while now and have been staking the price out for weeks. In my few years I have learned a few things about salesPEOPLE and how to get the best price.

  • DON'T settle for the regular price. They can ALWAYS bring it down. If they couldn't, they would not have salesPEOPLE.
  • Walk out at least once on a salesperson. It shows them that you are HARDCORE!
  • Shop at the END of the month. Even if they say they don't, they have quotas they have to meet. They will bend over backward to move merchandise at the end of the month.
  • Ask to buy the floor model. You can always get a reduced price and won't have to assemble it yourself if it requires that.

Knowing this will make you HARDCORE like us.


Bethany said...

yay!! you got the sink fixed and a new desk in the same day?!?! fantastic!!

Andrew said...

Where is the desk going to go?? In the Baby's room?? Elise is very worried... Did you give photo credit for those pictures because they look very familar!

Unknown said...

Nice desk!

Your landlord is exactly how I hope I am at that age. Or any age really. Reminds me of Elder Wirthlin's talk, "Come What May and Love It".

Now I just have to learn how to whistle.

Mary Martha said...

I can't wait to come and see your place. Thanks for coming over last night. It was so much fun to be with yall.