20 October 2008

Odds and Ends

Today, NO COHESIVE POST!  Deal with it!

Megs and I celebrated FHE with a walk to the grocery store, but more importantly the REDBOX!  On Monday I get a free code and tonight's (or Megan's) pick was The Other Boleyn Girl.  It was pretty good, yet depressing.  Now Megs and I are plastered to Google, reading up on Anne Boleyn, Henry VIII, and Queen Elizabeth I.  They were NOT as pretty as they were depicted in the movie.  DON'T LET HOLLYWOOD FOOL YOU!  Anne Boleyn had SIX FINGERS on one hand and a large mole/goiter on her neck....

Another interview today.... Not half bad.

More interviews tomorrow...

JnK+8, new episode.

Have you seen the TLC show, 17 and Counting?  It is OUT OF CONTROL!  It's like driving past a car wreck; you know you are going to be grossed out, but you watch anyway.  We have bets on what religion they are.  I think Mennonite.  Hey, they make great bread!

Please enjoy some random pictures from our computer:

Work Pictures 056 Work Pictures 133

Work Pictures 409

Work Pictures 617

Work Pictures 623

Work Pictures 802

Well that's probably enough for now.  I am going to bed.

P.S.  Megs just explained why she doesn't blog: She contributes by editing my posts.  Hey, I just write it as I think it and think it just a little more simple than the rest.  Works for me.


Meggera said...

I believe the REAL reason I said was because Greg is wittier than I.

Unknown said...

I read that as "Greg is writier than I am".

Which is a good reason too.

Love you guys.

Bethany said...

i've watched 17 and counting!!! and i know what you mean...i just kept watching that crap. so stupid! ps. the pumpkin extravaganza went great, and my delicious dish was not cooled enough to serve...so you better believe i was eating out of the pan, alone, after everyone left. i will bring some over today :)

Bethany said...

yay for great interviews!! and yay for deep chats about our lives. fantastic.

Chelsea and Spencer said...

Love the Redbox. However, if you employ your google skills, the free habit does not have to be confined to Mondays.

Also, I have a blog topic suggestion. I want what my husband terms "the chicken ditch" story from the perspective of the photographer.

Elizabeth said...

Does anyone think that Meg doesn't get to blog cause Greg won't let her? He is a blogging machine!