23 October 2008

How do you like THEM apples?

We got apples! For the past few weeks we have purchased apples faithfully at the store.  We DON'T run out.  Now, we have always enjoyed apples, but Megs has INSISTED lately that we keep our inventory up.  We run a clean cut FIFO method around these parts.

Specifically, we enjoy:

Cameo apple CAMEO APPLES



Granny Smith apple GRANNY SMITH APPLES

Now I am QUICKLY learning that you DO NOT question a pregnant woman's motives when it comes to her and her food.  So, Megs wants apples; I get apples.

HOWEVER, this past week Meg's apple obsession seemed to be triggered by a "whiff of apple."  It would hit in the car, in the front room, and even in bed.  I couldn't smell anything, BUT when the scent hit (refer to the previous paragraph) I got myself up and cut an apple.

Yesterday . . . I discovered THE SOURCE.  Megs came and sat on my lap, wrapped her arms around my neck, and talked to me for a minute.  In the middle of our conversation she stopped and said, "I just got a whiff of apple...  Do you want one?"  Now I HAD to get the bottom of "the whiff."  JOKINGLY, I said, "Is it your armpits?"  Megs paused, took herself a curious sniff, paused again, smiled, and said (quite heartily), "YES, IT'S MY ARMPITS!

Reason #273 of why we LOVE pregnancy: Sweet smelling armpits.  My guess is Cameo.


Andrew said...

But the real question is... do you have a coupon for the apples?? I bet I could round you up one!!

Cheryl said...

seriously you two....is it pregnancy or provo that gave you apple armpits :) you make me laugh.