02 June 2010

Ghetto Food

At least that is what my wife calls it.  Ghetto food, we all have it and adore it.  Well, I HOPE we all have a little in our lives.  What is this “ghetto food”, you ask?  Allow me to explain:

Ghetto Food: \ˈge-tō ˈfüd\ a nutriment in solid form that has become isolated, especially in conferring inferior status

Clear as mud?  Let me throw it at you in commoners terms:  Bologna with mustard dots, cheese and pickle sandwiches, Burger King breakfast, Malt-o Meal, Crinkly Noodles . . . (drooling, drooling).  Ringin’ a bell?

Ghetto Food: The random and simple, but amazing foods that each of us grew up with in which our neighbors and friends think are weird or even repulsive. . . GHETTO FOOD! 

That’s right, ladies and gentlemen, I am a lover of ghetto food.  Growing up in my family, we had our own unique blend that included (at the very top) Bologna with Mustard Dots.  Simple and easy recipe, really.  Take a piece of bologna and put in on a side plate.  Cut into small 1/2” squares and dot each piece with a little French’s Mustard.  Enjoy.  (Complemented nicely as a side dish to homemade Mac-n-Cheese.)

We may also add to that list some Malto Meal (served in a small bath of milk and sugar and to be served with toast–which MUST be divided equally-this is an important step as to keep the family peace) and Burger King breakfast to be consumed while watching a little early morning Little House on the Prairie.  No better way to begin 4th grade than with a little Sausage Biscuit con Laura Ingalls.

Megan also entered our marriage with her list of GFs.  Hers include Crinkly Noodles (we called them Macaroni and Caca Soup at my house) with cheese and Cheese and Pickle Sandwiches toasted under the broiler. 

While we find it of critical importance to pass these traditions along, we will also strive to create a few new ones of our own.  In the running include: Santitas with Franks RedHot, Orangesicle Jell-O, and Malibu Chicken.  We would also like to entertain yours.


What is YOUR favorite Ghetto Food?  What really makes you tick (while making other dry heave)?  Please leave your submission via comment.  (And don’t just secretly read this blog and NOT leave a comment.  That is lame.  I have a sitemeter that says A LOT more people read this blog than comment.  AND I can even tell where you came from.  That means, I know who you are and that you did not complete the homework assignment.  So don’t be lame.  Comment.)

You may now start.


kelly said...

Secret recipe for a delicious midnight snack:
Lay 8 saltine crackers on a plate.
Spread each side with mayo.
Cut a Kraft single american cheese slice into 4 squares.
Sandwich "cheese" between two saltines.
There you have a little slice of ghetto heaven.

Jessica Adams said...

Macaroni and tomatoes.
Yup. Just plain ol' elbow macaroni (cooked) and a can of diced tomatoes. Salt and pepper of course.
I could live off the stuff.

Katherine said...

Cottage cheese (with a little bit of mustard and pepper) and potato chips. Yummo.

Kristen said...

We had what we called simply "casserole". Shell shaped macaroni and corn in a bowl and pour tomato juice over top until like a soup. Sprinkle some shredded cheese on top. When I was a child we also added cooked hamburger but not anymore. I'm sure I have more- I will keep thinking.

Bethany said...

Doritos and cottage cheese. Saltines and cream cheese. Cheese on toast. You'd never guess I was lactose intolerant. Sick. But so good at the same time...

Erin said...

Some of my favorites growing up were:

Tuna fish on Saltine Crackers

Butter on Graham Crackers

Cottage Cheese on Tomatoes

Ketchup on eggs

Salt on Watermelon

And these super super yummy chocolate cottage cheese cookies. I know they sound disgusting, but you actually can't taste the cottage cheese in them, and it's one of the best chocolate cookies I've ever had. YUM :)

Brittany said...

Sickest thing EVER but my husband loves it. Spaghetti-O's mixed with scrambled eggs. Yuck! He eats it every time I go out of town :)

Chareth Cutestory, Maritime Lawyer said...

French fries dipped into a Wendys Frosty.
Healthy? No.
Awesome? Yes.

Mashed potatoes on a hot dog. Cut the hot dog in half and heat up...top with warm mash potatoes and cheese. It is the most magnificent creation known to man. My dad used to make it for me all the time.

Cheryl said...

cooked tootsie rolls....

cottage cheese mixed with applesauce (this is brads and it makes me sick every time)

melted cheese on saltines

toast with an insane amount of sugar/cinnamon on top

chips dipped in cottage cheese

macaroni and tomato sauce. (brad gags every time i ask mom for this. compliment of derf xoxo)

....and what about all the "creations" you used to make and freeze. you should blog about those ghetto foods. NASTY!!

Cheryl said...

AND.....that nasty nasty bottled cheese crap you used to put on crackers. I know there started with a cracker but you put so much cheese on there you coulnt see it anymore. I just gagged......

Anonymous said...

Cottage Cheese and maple syrup. So good. It will change your life.