26 July 2011

It’s not even NOON . . .

. . . and my day is AWESOME!

6:00am – Woke up early and did me a little P90X XSTRETCH! Unlike the other P90X disks, this workout is welcoming and a peaceful, early start to the day.

7:30am – My daughter woke up and immediately declared: “Daddy, let’s put on a show, lay on the couch, and snuggle!” So we did!

7:55am – I kissed by bride goodbye and headed to an appointment with a new doctor. New doctors make me a little anxious. I always want them to be great, but not all are created equal. This doctor was GREAT!

9:00am – It was amazingly sunny outside!

9:15am – Went to the dentist. From an earlier post you will know how I can feel about the dentist . . . but NOT TODAY! My gorgeous wife was there to greet me, the hygienist didn’t over talk (in fact, she just let me lay there with my eyes closed), and the dentist was quick and EASY. NO CAVITIES!

9:45am – It was STILL amazingly sunny outside!

9:55am – Got gas at Smith’s Marketplace (I LOVE this store!) and got an amazing gas discount!

10:00am – easy commute to work

10:30am – got into work with NO mean emails and THESE TWO gifts on my desk!


  1. imageMy work is doing the new WALKaDAY fitness program. It includes a new water bottle and a PEDOMETER. I don’t know why I am so excited about the pedometer, but I AM! LOOK OUT Mall Walkers. My pedometer and I are ready to powerwalk your A outta here!
  2. A coworker generously surprised me with 101 ESSENTIAL BONSAI TIPS. We had a conversation a while back about my aspirations to become proficient in the ways of the Bonsai. I think it will be a great side hobby while at work; HOWEVER, I have yet to get started. She left a note indicating that she believes in dreams and wants to help jumpstart mine. What a thoughtful measure. I will be heading to Cactus and Tropicals very soon to pursue my dreams!

10:35am – I took the next link off of my 2011 COUNTDOWN TO SUN VALLEY PAPERCLIP CHAIN!


1:00pm – I will be headed to the Rec Center to get my swim on with the old men (Between the mall walkers and Rec Center Walruses (that’s what I like to call them) I am just around the corner to breaking my OWN hip!)

5:00pm – Headed home to see my beautiful wife and little lady. Anticipating that it will still be sunny.

What a DAY!


kelly said...

Hey! I too had a pleasant dentist visit. and I want you to buy me something at cactus and tropicals, ok?

Lamb said...

Who gets into work at 10:30 and leaves at 5? I am jealous of your VP lifestyle, my friend. PS I like the new countdown, less scissor sisters if you know what I mean;)

Bethany said...

what makes the day even better is you blogged this from work. you probably played a round of zelda before bed.

what a life...