25 July 2011

Facebook Frustrations

(Disclaimer: To be read with a light-heart. When it comes to trivial things, I am not to be taken too seriously . . . unless I state otherwise.)


I like Facebook . . .

. . . and I don’t have a problem saying it either. I enjoy that Facebook offers me unique, low-commitment friend connections/supplements and digitized “open mic” opportunities. I like that I can casually peruse people’s pictures and update MYSELF on the happenings in their life as much, or as little, as I would like. I like that I can make funny, bold, or random comments on friend’s statuses. I like seeing where my friends are “checked in” at. I like telling people where I am “checked in at”. I like to see which two of MY friends are friends with each other that I normally would not have been aware of. I like posting my thoughts on Facebook. I love when people comment on my thoughts. I accept Facebook for WHAT IT IS and I enjoy it!

I will now make a small list of things that I DO NOT like about Facebook?

  1. The DOWNPLAYED Facebooker. I roll my eyes at people on Facebook that downplay how much they like Facebook. You don’t have to like it as much as me. You can like it MUCH MORE than me; however, you are on Facebook for a reason. Whatever it is, OWN IT! No one is judging you.

  2. The PUBLICALLY-ELUSIVE Facebooker. I have PERSONALLY AGREED to add you as a friend on Facebook. We may not be the best of friends, but I have chosen to add/accept your Facebook Friendship. DO NOT act weird around me when we see each other in person. I am not expecting a hug (nor do I want one), but at least look at me, wave, and say “Hi Greg. Good to see you.” Acknowledge what you know. Hiding it just makes things so awkward and you WILL promptly be Facebook DE-friended.

  3. The WHINY Facebooker. We all get out our frustrations. It helps reminds each other that we are all human. It keeps us in check. HOWEVER, run your posts through your social filter at least twice before posting. Maybe your never-ending rants are starting to drag us all down.

  4. The EASILY-OFFENDED Facebooker. It’s Facebook, people! It is a semi-public arena in which MANY different people from MANY different walks of life can mingle, and YOU are the puppet master! (aka, you are the one allowing which people invade YOUR semi-public arena) If you do not approve of someone else’s opinion/thoughts, remove them. It’s that simple. I have removed a few people (and their opinions) that I felt were outside of what I wanted to spend my time on. There is no point in harboring ill will against me yet maintaining me as a Facebook Friend. If you don’t, it will most likely result in a PUBLICALLY-ELUSIVE moment and I will remove you anyway. Remember William Ernest Henley’s INVICTUS: “I am the master of my fate: I am the captain of my soul.”

That felt good to get off my chest.

In case you were wondering, I have similar thoughts on Fast Food and television.


Bethany said...

agree with everything. what about the "modesty doesn't apply on facebook" users?? if that's still allowed, i'm going to get pregnant just so i can post pictures of my half naked body.

Lamb said...

Ha! This is so true! I was worried about what people thought of me on facebook, but now I just do and say what I want. Gotta keep it real, yo. I also agree with beth... my co-worker posted pictures of her half naked doing yoga poses... I will never look at her the same. Get it together people!

Steph said...

De-friend me. I dare you. I know where you sleep at night.