03 November 2008

Just can't get enough

swat 2

This is an ACTUAL picture I took of the BYU Police Force.  NO criminal is safe!

Public disturbance

June 30
Police followed up on a report of people being loud at 11:30 p.m. at Wymount Terrace. The loud people were asked to be quiet.

Criminal Mischief

May 27
Someone broke into a Heritage Halls building and plugged the toilet and the sinks with paper. It flooded the apartment. Police said it was probably EFY related. Maintenance was called . . . and they took care of it.

Welfare Check

April 8: A 6-year-old boy called the police when his 9-year-old brother would not let him watch television. BYU police checked the situation to make sure the boys were supervised. Both boys were fine.

Criminal Mischief

April 1: BYU police responded to a call reporting a tampering with the BYU sign on University and Canyon Rd. Students had placed paper letters over the sign "Enter to learn, go forth to serve" to make it read "Enter to date and to mate."  (What's wrong with this?)


Pierce and Stacy said...

ha! You are so funny. I write for the newspaper and I never read that section, but that's the only part my husband reads. Did you actually take that picture? Or am I just being gullible?

Bethany said...

you would throw in the efy flooding. i will confirm that it was, in fact, efy related.
and how and where in the world did you take that picture. were they coming after you??