13 March 2008


So Megs, my beautiful hot sexy wife... just in case you were wondering, and I attended our first rehearsal for FEELIN' GROOVY last night. It is a sixties concert that will be at the theatre starting the first of May. (I double dog DARE you to come. You get TWO DOLLARS off, read it and weep, if you mention one of our names when purchasing tickets! We will most likely be in the Tues/Thurs/Sat cast.) As we reviewed the list of songs that will be performed (we are ending with THE AGE OF AQUARIUS!!!) we came across I GOT YOU BABE originally sung by SUNNY AND CHER! This is OUR SONG! NOT KIDDING! It is even on our WEDDING VIDEO.

Anywho, they have not yet assigned out parts and I am secretly hoping that we get to sing it. HOWEVER I am not going to hold my breath, but we would really like to.

In other news our Sister Brooke is about to give birth to NUMBER 6! Hopefully TOMORROW! WE ARE PUMPED for Baby Benjamin to be here. (I played a pivotal part in the naming process. I did.) Hopefully I will get my rear in gear and start posting more pictures.


kelly said...

Oh my goodness. I just watched that wedding video link. Could you guys be any more precious?

And I'll keep my fingers crossed about the song.

Lamb said...

I secretly hope you get that song too! What could be better, but you may cry so maybe you should rethink it... Anyway I look at your blog.. do you look at mine? Where is the blog ettiquete now, sucka!