30 March 2008

Politically Incorrect

So my brother-in-law Daniel Liljenquist is running for State Senate in District 23 (This covers Bountiful, NSL, West Bountiful, Woods Cross, and most of Centerville) we are very excited and he is going to do an amazing job. If you have any questions about his candidacy please feel free to contact us and we would love to answer then. DAN LILJENQUIST 2008!
ANYWAY so I helping him out at West Bountiful Elementary the other day during the District Delegate meetings. I arrived at six that evening and waited 45 minutes until someone unlocked the building. This only left me with 15 minutes to set up and look presentable and knowledgeable. I entered the front doors and had to run to the other side to collect the materials. The door was locked so I propped it open with an orange cone. I let a couple people in that were waiting. (If it weren't for me and my hospitality they wouldn't have even gotten in because they weren't even going to open that door.) I grabbed two chairs, posters, a FIVE FOOT DIAMETER table, licorice, a potted plant, and fliers. I awkwardly waddled my way back inside and asked the gentleman, that I LET IN, to kindly close the door for me. I informed him that I did not want to be responsible for leaving a door open at an elementary school. This "kind" gentlemen looked at me and said...."....no".........
"Sir I am the one that propped the door open and would really appreciate it if you would help me out and close it." The nasty man's response, "I don't want to be held responsible for CLOSING the door." ...............Greg: "Sir I OPENED IT and I would REALLY enjoy some help in closing it." NASTY MAN: ".....No." (Nasty man to walk away....)
The words uttered under my breath mimicked that of the actions of the NASTY MAN, BUT because I am PC and representable I kept them quiet enough that none could hear.
After MUCH affliction I had to leave and head to rehearsal. There is a little known fact about me, Greg, which I will now reveal because I AM NOT AFRAID! I, when frustrated or worked up, recite to myself....out loud...what I will say. I am NOT ASHAMED. It really doesn't matter where I am at. I will even do it anywhere. In this particular event I was doing it in the car on the way to rehearsal. My wife needed an eloquent version of events so I was really pulling out all the stops in my vocal recital. That's when I heard the honk. I looked over and found a stranger peering in at me! They gave me the "roll down the window" motion. (You know that motion that mimics an old school car window lever that no one has anymore, but maintains it as the universal roll down your window signal?) The question was asked, "Who are you talking to?" THE NERVE OF A COMPLETE STRANGER! Then they removed their sunglasses and it turned out to be my friend Bryn. I just sped off in complete embarrassment.
SO, the moral of the story. BE NICE and NOT NASTY because not only may you tick people off with your nastiness, but you may run the risk of embarrassing them down the road. NASTINESS IS NEVER ENDING!


kelly said...

People are the worst part of life, don't you think?
Also, people are the best part of life.

But here's one for you...I got a call a couple of days ago. I am a heavy call-screener so I looked at the caller ID. It said, Dan Liljenquist. I thought, "I don't know this person" so I didn't answer it. A robot left a message that simply said, "Political"
Are you having your politician robots crank call me Mr Larsen?

Krista Que said...

Hey, the story is better in person when Greg can use his facial expressions, and tone fluctuations.

Paige said...

Hah...Bryn already had told me this story and I laughed twice as hard when I heard your version. Every story is better from 2 angles. Sorry your day was so lame! Nasty men are a lot harder to find than nasty women though....you must have really tried hard to find him :)

Unknown said...

Greg- you failed to tell me the "talking to yourself" part of the story. That just makes it SO much better. Never leave things like that out again.

Cheryl said...

DUDE!!! You have to call me when you do things like this. THIS is my favorite part (okay one of) of your personality...when you get so worked up you talk to yourself. I used to love it growing up.....you talking to yourself (not getting you worked up). Contrary to popular belief.

Dustin and Brynna said...

I am glad you were finally able to admit the truth. That is so hilarious!! I am glad that I got to be part of that moment. It's so great to catch someone in action doing something that they think no one will notice :)

Hope you look around next time before you start talking to yourself!

lindsey hill said...

hey greg and Megan, I found your Blog!! We really need to hang out! This is Lindsey Hill by the way. Our blog is bunkeranddizz.blogspot.com.

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