11 March 2008

Happy St. Patty's Day!

Just thought that I would be festive and celebrate the Green Holiday with all of you! Hope that it is a fantastic day full of cabbage and corned beef, and green jello with pineapple tidbits!....I sincerely hope that mine is spent holding my BRAND NEW Baby B! We aren't quite sure what day he will come... I am hoping sooner than later though! I can hardly stand the anticipation. Brooke, my oldest sister...the mother of Baby B, says that you would think the baby was my own by the way I am acting!....SO WHAT!....I do kinda think of her children as my own...why should Baby B be ANY different?!

What can I say?!...I love babies more than ANYTHING!!...even puppies...SOMETIMES! That is a different topic though...let's not get me started on it!

P.S. Greg broke my car door...so I have to roll down the window, reach out and manuever my short arm around the handle, pull the handle up, QUICKLY stick my leg out as a door jam...BEFORE it closes, roll the window back up, turn the car off (all while I have one foot out of the car...with a skirt on) and FINALLY exit from the car!....It's a DANG GOOD THING that he is so CUTE!


Alisha Johnson said...

Hey Meg! This is Brian's wife, Alisha! Cute blog... I love the GREEN! It looks great. That is quite the site. I am imagining in my head how it all works out when you exit your car. What a sweetie Greg is! :) You guys don't have our blog on your list! Hopefully it rocks enough for ya! Here's the site, I think Brian already sent you an invite? http://xiefamily06.blogspot.com/

The Tams said...

Megs! I am so happy to see that you have a blogg! Let me know what your email address is and I will invite you to my blogg ASAP! You two look so happy together by the way!