13 August 2009

Campfire Consequences

Last week we went camping with my family to Trial Lake in the Uintahs. We have done this almost every year since I can remember and I love it. I love the relaxing, quiet atmosphere. I love the beautiful scenery and the fact that when you don’t change your underwear for three days . . . you are not the only one. I love sitting around the campfire, talking, roasting whatever is within reach to roast, and (on your last day) daydreaming of the shower you get to take within seconds of being home.

However, with such joys come consequences . . . CAMPFIRE CONSEQUENCES!

Consequence #1 – My hair STILL smells of campfire. After 7+ washes (one of which I used straight up Irish Spring bar soap which made my hair stand almost straight up) not much progress has been made. This MAY be the excuse I need to accomplish my life goal of shaving my head!

Consequence #2 – Laundry, lots of laundry. Now I may not have changed my clothes much, but as always I over packed. AND all that has to be done as well. Not only our stuff, but what seems to be the endless amounts of stuff you have to take when you have a baby.

Consequence #3 – We don’t have our own washer/dryer.

To mediate these consequences we decided to head to the local laundromat to get all 11 loads of laundry done at once. The washing went swell. All 11 loads in 25 minutes! The drying however, did not go as well. We now know that when the Mega Dryer says “7.5 Loads” it does NOT mean that the 11 loads you have is also acceptable.


After exhausting all our quarters and being hungry/ornery/tired we threw in the towel (literally) and headed home with a full car of wet laundry.

NOW, after getting more quarters, hours of laundry drying, hanging blankets out to dry on the fence, and even conning a good friend into letting us use her dryer so we could sleep on dry sheets, my dear wife is STILL hanging and folding clothes after two days.

Morale of this story: Don’t defy the Mega Dryer. The consequences are far too great.


Ben said...


Cheryl said...

thank you for the laugh. im still cleaning my spit from laughing so hard off my computer.....

Bethany said...

mega dryer failure = suprise trip to bethanys. i think it was an overall success, don't you think??