17 December 2008

A Fond Farewell

Today I got some sad news.  My mom informed me that Rocky, one of my long-time family dogs, had to be put down today.  This comes only months after Abbey had to be taken in.  They were the perfect dogs and I loved them.  It really is amazing just how much of a part of the family that they become.  They have personality, and I am convinced that Abbey understood Human.  They were so much fun and today, I'm pretty bummed. 

HOWEVER, they had great lives.  We would love to take them up to the mountains and let them go wild.  They would run so fast that they wouldn't be able to keep up with themselves and would tumble down the hill.  Abbey knew she was the princess.  When we would make them go outside, she would pause, give us a look that said, "You KNOW you're not going make me go." . . . and we wouldn't.  This probably stemmed from her sleeping in our beds from when were we young.  She would wake us in the morning with a friendly lick.  AND I LOVED IT!  Rocky was the goofiest dog in the world and loved nothing more than to just lay around and clean Abbey.  They were inseparable.  

When Abbey was taken in, Rocky pretty much just gave up.  He really didn't know what to do without her.  It has been quite sad.  As hard as it is to see them, it was time.

SO, without dwelling on sadness, here's to ABBEY AND ROCKY.  Here's to great memories and two of the greatest dogs.  Here's to being able to love your pets like a member of the family.  Everyone deserve these kind of memories.  Everyone deserves a great family dog.


Andrew said...

Sad!! I will miss their drool on me when we used to come home for lunch!!

Cheryl said...

Crap.....I'm crying AGAIN! I just stopped after reading Facebook and here are the waterworks again. Love you so much :) xoxo

Anonymous said...

I know I already said it, but I am so sorry. I know those cute little guys were a big part of your family.
Hang in there!!!

Unknown said...

I'm sad for you. It is hard to lose a canine friend like that, especially one that you had for SO long. I lost plenty of canine friends, but their average stay span at our house was under a year. Something about our family (ahem, Dad, ahem) repels dogs. They never hung around, until Chandler. And don't get me started on him being gone or I won't stop. Anyway, my condolences.

Maybe, after an appropriate mourning period, you could get your parents a puppy (bonus there because you could also enjoy him but you wouldn't have to housetrain him or take him for walks).

Steph said...

I am so sorry Greg- I know how much you loved those dogs...

Bethany said...

i know everyone is really sorry...and don't take this the wrong way...but is this whole post about DOGS?!?! you know how i feel about dogs, so don't take offense when i don't understand. just think...tomorrow, megan will be in the SEVENTIES on her countdown. maybe you can train the baby to lick you in the mornings???