02 February 2008

She's Got A Ticket to Ride.....again.....and again.....and again

Yet another look into madness which is my life. This is the game Ticket To Ride. (More commonly known as TRAINS. This is the EUROPE edition, but we originally learned of our obsession with the US edition and still is my favorite.)
This is my beautiful wife. She is the dealer. She is pretty much made to be a dealer. She is organized, she is precise, she is efficient, and she is tidy. SHE is the dealer.....GOT IT?
It even brings out the most raw emotions in my mother-in-law. She will deny it because she is an institute teacher, but it does. ALAS we still love her.
Oh isn't she pretty?

Even as I create this post they are playing once more. If any of you are interested in learning this great past time and addiction of ours. We are MORE than willing to share.


Sarah said...

Hey Megan,

It's Sarah Holmstead from High School! I know your husband mostly does the blog, but I wanted to say Hello and that you look gorgeous and also that my husband and I LOVE Ticket to Ride, my husband even plays it on the internet. Hope all is well!

Krista Que said...

Well Greg, I’m finally glad I can see what I am paying you for at work. (It doesn't take 3 hours to create the February schedule). I would like to think my sister, the Interior Design Major, fashioned the design of the blog, but Greg, I know you too well.

Alisha Johnson said...

K you have got a deal... Alisha and I want to learn... This game looks awesome! We want you guys to come over... We'll have a dinner and game night.

Cheryl said...

Online Brad is rated like 10 or something. He is now banned from playing until after his boards. It would be great to play with someone again cause he is too good and its not fun for me :)