28 February 2008

Ahhhhh CRAP!

So I was sitting myself down in a nice and quiet nook here at conservative LDSBC thinking to myself, "Self, you should check your blog on your laptop." I did and Missy GOT HER FREAK ON....LOUD!
I was embarassed and hurried and turned it off.....after a quite shake.

26 February 2008


So there are definite weeks in my life that are not as entertaining as others. You know those weeks. The ones that seem to just roll past with little to boast, cry, or laugh about. Last week was one of those. It may be because for the better part of it was filled with a small clan of mice drilling at my skull from the inside out while I was spitting acid and spending more time than social grace allows in the restroom, but who hasn't been there. Then I started to think (not too hard, it angered the mice), "self, down weeks are kind of nice. They are refreshing, contemplative, and rejuvenating. They are kind of like the precursor to exciting weeks." Then I had this thought, "greg, who are you kidding? You are a walking embarrassment (to either yourself or to your wife who loves you dearly and puts up with all of your craziness) and you are more than likely to always have something in the works to a great life story." That's when I made the resolution. Every night I am going to start reviewing my day and picking at least one aspect from it that has been great. Every day is going to be one of those days that has something good to tell. Now I am not one of those awkwardly flighty and unrealistic people that expects something wonderful and life changing to happen each day. Let's be honest. There are sometimes I am ornery. There are sometimes that I don't want to be funny and optimistic, BUT even on those days great things can happen and I am on a mission to find them and BLOG THEM!
So here is my commitment to you (and when I say you I mean you, but also myself because, sadly, this is the closest I have been to a journal since the mish) I am going to find the great things in life and expound on them. It makes me motivated even thinking about it. I hope that you will also do the same and share with me.
Today's great thing I cannot share because it is not over, BUT I think that is will have to do with the fact that my incredibly hilarious cousin David gets home from the mish today! He has never met the wife. And do you know what is great about that? I think that he will look at her and think, "Man, Greg's wife is HOT!" THAT is great!

21 February 2008

Rosa's Returns

So here is the question of the day from our good friend ROSA (Keep in mind this is in INSTITUTE)

"So, when I go on a mission in the furture with my husband can we still like have sex and stuff?"

Teacher: "Uh.....(blushing)......yes."

19 February 2008

Public Humiliation

Here is I....DEPRESSED! Just look at my embarrassing missionary hair. That's right; it's too long to do anything else with it. I like missionaries and all, but I don't like having to wear their hair to school. SO I am going to do it. I am going to use this opportunity and go against the oath I took with my beautician aunt and have a NON PROFESSIONAL cut my locks. The wife is going to practice this week, BUT it comes with one ultimatum....IF SHE SCREWS IT UP ITS ALLLLLL COMING OFF! We're talkin Mr. T, Mr. Clean, Daddy Warbucks, Lex Luther. (This is secretly one of my life goals.) I now know a little of what Father Abraham felt as he walked his son to the alter of sacrifice.

Pictures to follow.

16 February 2008


......Bring it Brooke because it has been broughten.

14 February 2008

Ode to Greg!

This is my wonderful husband...

This is his indiscribeable sense of humor...

This is ONE of the MANY reasons that I love him!

He ALWAYS makes me laugh...even when his jokes AREN'T funny..

What more could a girl want?!

I love my Gregory!

13 February 2008

Pink for a Day!

Can you believe it?!?!....Greg actually allowed me to set our background as pink!...."but just for ONE day" he said!

HAPPY VALENTINES DAY! I have heard MANY complaints over the years about this silly holiday (even given a few myself) ...but when it comes down to it, it really is a wonderful thing to celebrate! Love is the most beautiful emotion! It can be shown in so so many ways!
Who says you have to have a significant other to have a great day?! Valentines is one of my favorite holidays to spend with the fam!

Anyway...I'll step off of my "pink high" and wish you all a day full of love!


I have been accussed, by a variety of people, that this really is Greg's blog..and that I have no claim to it! Well, let's just make it understood...Megan's role of the blog is to edit all of "Fun Greg's" posts! Once I am done with editing I find there is no time nor energy left to add my wit to our family journal!

12 February 2008

Some People Wait a Lifetime for a Moment Like This!

As American Idol put it best, "some people wait a lifetime for a moment like this."

My moment was spent on the campus of BYU having the fantastic realization that I will soon be attending this divinely inspired institution.

This is my happy/excited/pumped/fierce face after I met with the business management councelor.
Please enjoy the below tour.

These are REAL LIFE BYU students on their way to class.

This is an old lady with books from the book store. She loves school so much that she can't ever leave. You should have seen the look on her face.

This red sculpture represents the short stay I had at the UofU. Nice, fun, and artistic; but nothing to get all excited about.
This is a sniper shot gone wrong.
This is a cool picture that I took on campus. It is very telling if I don't say so myself.
This will be Megs and My New FAVORITE PLACE TO HANG OUT!...Right Megs?!!!
This is where I parked
THIS is where I will park ONE DAY!!!
The orange light on the button means I turned the AC on! This was the best day of my life.....next to my wedding day of course.
This was the man that cut me off as he walked across the street, but I didn't care. This is how they roll in P-town and who am I to judge?
AND THIS is BROTHER BRIGHAM! Respect to Brigham!

This is for your viewing enjoyment!
Over all I am pretty much STOKED to be a COUGAR! I can't WAIT! As for when we are officially moving down there, IF we officially move down there, we don't know. BUT I am starting classes there come the end of April for the Spring Semester; HOWEVER this is good for you all because MORE people = MORE SNIPER OPPORTUNITIES! BUT the people on campus all looked so put together and refined. I will miss my days at LDSBC and the UofU where the students are crazy and full of good shots, but I am a trooper. I will make due with what I am handed.

11 February 2008


For part of my job I run the sound at the theatre for different shows. Sound can be quite busy because I am pulling the levels up and down on people mics, starting and stopping sound cues and sound effects. For most of the show my face in buried in my script anticipating the next cue. If I make a mistake, EVERYONE knows because you can hear it.

ANYWHO (here comes the picture part because I forgot and left my phone in the office, THUS no picture, BUT there just may be a reenactment soon!)

I was running sound for "Once Upon a Mattress". It was a busy part of the script just before the Spanish Panic dance. I was standing with my head down watching the actors with both hands on the board when I felt my nose get all warm. I dabbed my nostril with my hand and saw BLOOD! Now, I really don't get many bloody noses, but when it bleeds it is like a fire hydrant! I panicked a little and grabbed one of the cotton balls that we use to clean peoples faces before attaching their mic. I figured the catastrophe had been side stopped.......wrong.

I grabbed another cotton ball and proceeded to pack it in............to no avail. I was panicking now. I HAVE to use both hands on the board and if I take even a two second break during this section I will miss a vital cue. This is when the spirit of the soldier came into play. My dad would be SO proud.

I turned quickly to the guy running the lights and said, "DAVE, SIX INCHES OF TAPE.......NOW!" As he was obtaining the tape I grabbed a small wad of cotton. In a FLASH OF FURRY I affixed the said cotton with the tape directly to my face and continued with my duties. For the next 45 minutes......tape ......and egg on ma face.

Thank you.

07 February 2008

Latter-Day Diversity

Many think that to experience a vast spectrum of cultures one must travel out of Utah and go to either New York or......somewhere else diverse, BUT you need travel no further. Here at LDS Business College we represent them ALL......but the great thing about it here is that ours are all Mormon and sadly naive.

Below is Rosa (I changed her name to save her identity) She is from Mexico (yes she looks white) and has a thick accent, naive nature, and a LOT to say. Last week we were honored by her investigative discussion with our Institute professor on:

  • WHAT is circumcision
  • WHERE did it come from
  • HOW is it done
  • DOES it hurt
  • IF we maintain that same "bizarre" practice today.

Today was another such treat. In our Public Speaking class we were each asked to bring a quote to discuss. She forgot about the assignment and ran hurriedly to the library, in the middle of class, to grab one from the internet. Just as she came back in it was her turn to share. Now remember NAIVE, NOT AMERICAN, and.....well naive again.

As she finished her quote with confidence everyone starred at each other with need of explanation. It was silent. A few girls even looked abused. As she sat down L'Angel (yes her parents wanted to name her LITTLE ANGEL, but thought that too weird......) leaned over and said, "Now honey, do you know that those words you were saying are cuss words?" Rosa's response, "Cuss, what is a cuss?" The video below is the moment in which the reality of the situation set in.

NEVER a dull moment here at the LDSBC!

(My face looks really fat in the last frame. Marriage is not THAT bad of a diet plan. I promise.)

05 February 2008

Can you HANDLE it?

NO ONE is safe from SNIPER CAM!

02 February 2008

She's Got A Ticket to Ride.....again.....and again.....and again

Yet another look into madness which is my life. This is the game Ticket To Ride. (More commonly known as TRAINS. This is the EUROPE edition, but we originally learned of our obsession with the US edition and still is my favorite.)
This is my beautiful wife. She is the dealer. She is pretty much made to be a dealer. She is organized, she is precise, she is efficient, and she is tidy. SHE is the dealer.....GOT IT?
It even brings out the most raw emotions in my mother-in-law. She will deny it because she is an institute teacher, but it does. ALAS we still love her.
Oh isn't she pretty?

Even as I create this post they are playing once more. If any of you are interested in learning this great past time and addiction of ours. We are MORE than willing to share.