06 September 2008

....really, we don't have great excuses, but we do have a good one...!

Now you know!!! Sorry this was anti climatic, but were getting the stink eye about not informing on a large scale. More to follow very soon about our FANTASTIC NEWS and about school, the brother-in-law, Provo landlords burning in Hell, exciting vacations in Sun Valley, Las Vegas, Philadelphia (the Philly steak subs REALLY are THAT GOOD), and the BIG APPLE! Also about nasty teachers, nieces birthdays, and all other manner of foolishness that is our life. Really, it will be worth the five week sabatical.... Now do I get a little slack?...


Cheryl said...

only because you came and visited me for a long time today. loved it by the way....xoxoxo

The Littlest Moons said...

First off, you don't know it, but I am always giving you the stink eye. Second CONGRATS!! I already knew, but it still ROCKS!! Third I can totally understand your trouble with provo landlords! Love you guys, can't wait for an update on Dan!

Andrew said...

We are SO excited for you guys! We had fun tonight, can we please not wait so long to hang out again??

Ben said...

CONGRATUALTIONS! You two are going to be AWESOME parents.
I am SOOOO excited for you guys. I love you both!

Natalie said...

Congrats!!! Too bad you didn't make it to DC - we'd have loved to have seen you. :)

Jessica Adams said...

I had no idea! (but I figured it would be coming very soon!) :)
That is so awesome!!! Congrats you guys!

Jonny said...

CONGRATS GUYS! Parenthood is the best! It really is so much fun~! Your baby is so blessed to have such great parents! I don't know Greg too well, but you have the incredible Megan Davies Larsen as a wife, you've got to be amazinng too! So when are you due and how are you feeling? Give me a call sometime Meg, we should catch up! We're here in Centerville. Love ya, Rachel (Hiller) Anderson

kelly said...

Holy Crap you guys! I have your blog on my google reader and it didn't show the image of the floating baby, so when I read this post I was kind of confused. But I clicked over here to absorb your lovely blog theme and now I see!!!
Congratulations! You will have a such a beautiful child! This is so exciting!
(i am aware of the excessive exclamation point usage...)