10 September 2008


I am: Megan Davies Larsen

I think: about the future too often

I want: a puppy... unrealistically

I wish: for all to be well

I miss: Grandma Connie

I fear: SPIDERS...BIG time

I feel: content

I hear: random questions from Greg, flowing from the background

I smell: nothing...

I crave: very specific foods....for about a 15 minute time frame

I usually: think of the glass as "half full"

I always: am indecisive

I search: for ways to enjoy cooking for two

I wonder: what my unborn child will look like

I care: about others feelings

I worry: about many things... But have learned that plans are meant to be broken... so RELAX

I remember: very seldom these days... I use to have the memory of an elephant

I believe: that honesty is ALWAYS best... in ALL things

I dance: when I am excited

I don’t always: enjoy the moment... My mind races to the next task at hand

I lose: all sense of time when I am holding a brand-new baby

I never: sleep through the night without waking up to use the bathroom at least twice (including pre-pregnancy)

I listen: more than people think!

I don't understand: why life throws the curve balls it does.. BUT I do know there is a purpose in all things

I am scared: of being alone

I need: to start boxing up my home... DREAD

I forget: very easily the mean things people have said or done...

I tag: Anyone!


Cheryl said...

Dread is a nice 'G' rated version of how I feel about moving!! :)

Jen said...

i love you and miss you so much! Are you not moving to happy valley anymore! I am so glad you are pregnant and can't wait to be your momma friend :)