28 September 2008


That's right... we our officially moved into our humble abode! When I say "moved in" I mean boxes are stacked to the ceiling ready to be unpacked, organized, and the contents placed in their designated homes. (Pictures to come later!)

All we need now are jobs... Any suggestions? How and where does a 4 month pregnant woman ( who is already showing) get a job?!... I am desperate and will do almost anything... Almost!

16 September 2008

This, my friends, is the stuff that real comedy is made of

Okay so a quick update. I have some great posts in mind, but things have been nuts....but when are they not? Megs and I will be moving to Provo within the next two weeks.... I got a wonderful email from my department TWO DAYS before school started informing me that my classes were dropped and I needed to move my classes to Provo if I wanted to be a full time student and not drive to Provo three to five times a week...charity apparently has found a way to "faileth"...
So I have quit my job and we have been looking for a place in Provo....a week after school starts....There really IS a special place reserved in HELL for all landlords in Provo, EXCEPT for this one that we MAY be getting an apartment from. OH BOY has it been a rough, nasty, carpet stained, mystery odor smelling, overly priced "life building" experience, BUT we shall prevail.
In our most frustrated moments my most gorgeous wife put it best..."We're jobless, we're homeless,....and I'm Knocked up.." Pray for us!
In other news things with Megs and our beautiful fetus are FANTASTIC! We have heard the heartbeat twice now and the doc says all is well! Sometime next month we will find out what we are having. We DO want to know what it is. For pete's sakes, I don't want my young virile boy wearing diapers imprinted with fairies and princesses.... planning is CRUCIAL and I will wait for falling stock prices or global warming to give me those "precious life moments of surprise" Words to live by: Technology, use it before it uses you....and it will.
Dan is doing great! He is able to transfer to a wheel chair mush easier now and even went to work for a bit today. It looks like it will be a full recovery. My only issue is that once he is feeling better our coming over to bum free Wi-Fi looks mighty conspicuous. Just kidding. We love you guys!
Classes in Provo are great, but BUSY! I have done two to three times the work OUT of class than I do INSIDE and I am not kidding. With all this time spent on my laptop we are thankful that we got at least ONE child on its way. OI VAY!
BYU is nice, but very....Mormon. You know, and everyone is so pretty. I miss my days of grungy UofU when I walked into class with sweats, a baseball cap, and slippers and I felt overly prepared. At BYU I feel that I missed the part of the Honor Code (which I appreciate) that states I must wear Abercrombie & Fitch and pump iron for two hours each day. I am so thankful that I am married. I love you Megan!
Okay I have a lot more to talk about, but I am told that long and exhausting posts don't get read SOOO I am just going to leave you with this last bit of JOY! This is BRILLIANT and I wish my life was full of more moments such as this....Enjoy!

10 September 2008


I am: Megan Davies Larsen

I think: about the future too often

I want: a puppy... unrealistically

I wish: for all to be well

I miss: Grandma Connie

I fear: SPIDERS...BIG time

I feel: content

I hear: random questions from Greg, flowing from the background

I smell: nothing...

I crave: very specific foods....for about a 15 minute time frame

I usually: think of the glass as "half full"

I always: am indecisive

I search: for ways to enjoy cooking for two

I wonder: what my unborn child will look like

I care: about others feelings

I worry: about many things... But have learned that plans are meant to be broken... so RELAX

I remember: very seldom these days... I use to have the memory of an elephant

I believe: that honesty is ALWAYS best... in ALL things

I dance: when I am excited

I don’t always: enjoy the moment... My mind races to the next task at hand

I lose: all sense of time when I am holding a brand-new baby

I never: sleep through the night without waking up to use the bathroom at least twice (including pre-pregnancy)

I listen: more than people think!

I don't understand: why life throws the curve balls it does.. BUT I do know there is a purpose in all things

I am scared: of being alone

I need: to start boxing up my home... DREAD

I forget: very easily the mean things people have said or done...

I tag: Anyone!

07 September 2008

No sunshine in HER soul!

I know I have much explaining to do about the past couple months, but I thought that I would share with you this classic bit of irony that I came across at church today.  As we were opening our Sacrament Meeting we sang hymn #272 "There is Sunshine in my Soul Today"  As I sang along I looked over to see this!


It actually wasn't this particular man, but rather a MOM that struck this pose....She slightly hiked her skirt and stood in the isle.  Then it happened......WAM!  With a major lack of "sunshine" she grabbed her son and DRAGGED in into the isle.  Her face was one of complete RAGE.  I hurried and grabbed a picture....


Her husband was at a complete loss of words.  She dragged him into the hall and it was over...... The song ended.....

I just thought you would enjoy hearing about my favorite part of the day.....besides the spiritual stuff, of course.

06 September 2008

....really, we don't have great excuses, but we do have a good one...!

Now you know!!! Sorry this was anti climatic, but were getting the stink eye about not informing on a large scale. More to follow very soon about our FANTASTIC NEWS and about school, the brother-in-law, Provo landlords burning in Hell, exciting vacations in Sun Valley, Las Vegas, Philadelphia (the Philly steak subs REALLY are THAT GOOD), and the BIG APPLE! Also about nasty teachers, nieces birthdays, and all other manner of foolishness that is our life. Really, it will be worth the five week sabatical.... Now do I get a little slack?...