07 April 2009

Parks and Recreation

Today was a perfect day.  Today was Emmalee's first day at the park!  Not just ANY park, but Sugarhouse Park.  This park may not be much to many out there, but it has many great (and slightly scandalous) memories for Megs and I.  Today we spent a good chunk of the day in SLC at a dr. appointment and running errands.

Fact about Greg #235- He loves running errands.

I wore shorts and we drove with the windows down.  During our drive we talked about funny memories and future vacation plans.  It was one of those days in which I ALMOST forgot what reality had in store for me back at home.  Today seemed to just meander on by.

Anywho, the park was great.  We stopped by when the babe decided to need a bottle and a new diaper at the same time.  We took it all in.DSCN1495

We laid out the Harley blanket and did our regular routine.  I am pretty sure the babe loved it!









DSCN1497Today was the epitome of summer in the park: runners, young love, and dogs on leashes.






DSCN1499There was even the classic Speedo-wearing sun bather in the classic spread eagle, back lying position. . . seriously.






DSCN1501 Overall, great day. 

I am already planning our next like, carefree, errand filled day . . . after finals.


Unknown said...

Awww, Emmalee's first visit to the park. Cute.

I love the fact that Greg likes to run errands.

So does Shelley.

Cherie said...

My favorite part is the guy in the speedo.
BTW, one time when we lived in Austin, Trent was downtown and he saw this guy in a white thong and tennis shoes just walking on down the street with his bike. I'm pretty sure he took a picture too.

Shiv said...

What a beautiful day! The babe is so adorable!

Danelle and Alex said...

What a cute family!! Being parent's is the best isn't it?!

BradAsia said...

Love the pics. What a beautiful family and more importantly that beautiful daughter of yours. Thanks for bringing her into my life.

P.S. I also loved that I could read it in a minute. The long blogs aren't my style to read so I let Asia read them and let me know what they are about. Thanks.

Uncle B-RAD.

Chareth Cutestory, Maritime Lawyer said...

What a fun day!! I That photo of the three of you is so sweet!

What would a day in Sugarhouse Park be without the token speedo pervert? I used to go there between classes at the U to study, and there was ALWAYS the same speedo guy there. We called him Mr. Teeny.
(tee. hee. hee. )

Jessica Adams said...

Baby Emmalee = super duper adorable

Sunbather = super duper disgusting (gag) How did you not vomit upon witnessing that? ...thanks for sharing it anyway. I love random things such as these. Even if they make me ill.

You folks are swell. ;)

Lisa said...

Expose your family to a wonderful state & adventure. We have a mutal friend & so I'm spreading the news about this wonderful place that I have become addicted too.


Lindsay Parker said...

Were there everyday with Mazie our Dog and love Sugarhouse Park.. I want to live around that area I just love it so much. Sad I didnt run into you but I do see the guy laying out in his short shorts its pretty classic!!