16 July 2008

Our little family confession.....obsession

So I would be lying if we said that BI-WEEKLY we didn't have So You Think You Can Dance parties.....this one is one of our favorites. Don't judge us!....frankly we don't care. The girl is a MORMON! Now you love her more....right?


Gregory said...

This is actually a comment from our good friend Kelly, but there was an "issue" and we had to re-post...

kelly said...

You guys, I have never watched that show, but just now the hair on my arms was standing up.
And they're really hairy, so that's saying something!

Cheryl said...

I watched a couple episodes LAST season and loved it!! I had NO idea it was back on.....boo, I missed so much. That dance was so 'amazing' and if you find a dance teacher that will teach it I will be there. I have always wanted to take a dance class!!!!

Lamb said...

I know that I am obsessed when someone said something nasty about Mark and Chelsea and I almost back handed them... Its not healthy that I believe that they are my friends, but I love it anyway! Let Cheryl know that I have almost every episode this season on TVO and she is more than welcome to come and watch... That is how much I am addicted, I have to help other become addicted...

Bethany said...

this girl is my dear friends cousin....now you love her more, right? we must play soon. i am missing you both.