20 April 2010

Man Things

Summer = Man Things.  Exciting, dirty, outdoor, use-your-hands, make you sweat and smell like dirt and oil Man Things.  The kind of things that make you feel worthwhile, capable, and filled slightly with adrenaline.  Allow me to make a list of just a few of my favorite summer Man Things:

  1. Mowing the lawn
  2. Building/assembling furniture
  3. Sawing things (most anything)
  4. Golf (I am still not good at this one, but will be one day)
  5. Random fix-it projects around the house and yard
  6. Dump runs

The ULTIMATE Man Things are those that allow you to do a combination of any of the above list.  Last week, I was able to do get in an outstanding combo.

My best friend, Andy (aka BEF), is in remodeling mode.  He and his wife bought Andy’s grandma’s house last year and are working hard to bring it into the 21st century.  A few weeks back, over an outing to the Taco cart near Sear’s in SLC, he made comment to me that he was going to get someone to switch out his old electrical outlets and replace them with new GFI outlets.  I could just feel the excitement of Man Things creep in.  “I’LL DO IT!” . . . and I did.  It was great and it revived my motivation that was in “It’s winter and I live in Provo and don’t do much” hibernation.

This motivation lead to the recent removal of THESE:

Metal-Awning   Well not THESE exactly, but similar tin awnings that adorned Andy’s windows.  Hip in the 70’s, but (sorry Granny) not so hot no mo.

And the dismantling of THIS:

Remodleing!! 044

Our load was large and we were ready hit, none other than, THE DUMP!  Butter my butt and call me a biscuit, I was PUMPED!  I hadn’t been to the dump since last summer and I could just hear the seagulls flying overhead and smell the years of rotting garbage.  Then something terrible happened . . . A few of our local Hispanic friends (aka, el amigos) randomly pulled up and asked “Tin for free?”  Caught completely off guard, Andy said yes and within 4 minutes they had every last piece GONE!  My Man Things combo died . . . BUT not for long.  Andy’s parents were utilizing the joy that is Free Spring Cleaning Dump Week and needed some additional help disposing of old mattresses, a couch, gardening things, and a porch swing.  The next day, Andy and I answered their call!

THUS, Dump Run!


You may not understand it, but I don’t care.  I love the dump.  I have loved the dump for years and love it even more each time I go.  I love the sounds and even the smell.  My name is Greg Larsen and I love the Dump.

Dump3shot putGoing to the dump with the right PERSON is as important as going with the right EQUIPMENT.  You see, if I went with just any other old stick-in-the-mud type personality, I wouldn’t have enjoyed Dump Shot Put like I did with Andy.  This TV made for an excellent target. . . . PS. I made the first bulls-eye.

Dump2There are also RULES to the dump.  Such as, DON’T throw away your Preach My Gospel manual!  It just ain’t right.

ALSO, don’t try to pull a fast one on the Dump workers when showing them your ID to get you in.  On run #3, we put Tracy to the test by showing her my CENTERVILLE license.  She gave us a stern “no”, but then we congratulated her on a successful ID check.  She didn’t laugh.

Dump4All-in-all, I think the Dump is swell and valiantly holds a Top Ten spot in my Favorite Things About Summer list.  Here’s to you Dump.


Andrew said...

Oh my heck! That is probably one of the funniest things I have EVER read... my eyes are still watering, and I laugh out really loud a few times! Here is to many more man BEF outtings!!

Chareth Cutestory, Maritime Lawyer said...

{loved this post!}

us said...

GREG You Summed up Man Things very nicely THE DUMP RUN is one of I'd say probably top three manliest things of summer

Unknown said...

Butter my butt and call me a biscuit?

Best line ever.