10 July 2010

And with Good Reason

I have been a little tired lately, thus I have not blogged.  I have been working nights at the theatre, going to Lagoon with the wife and babe, installing ceiling fans, and . . . WORKING AT UNITED APPRAISAL MANAGEMENT!

That’s right, ladies and gentlemen, I gots me one of those job things!  It has been quite a few months, stress, frustration, let down, excitement, low-keyness, and heart burn, but THE TIME HAS COME.


United Appraisal Management is the appraisal management division with Republic Mortgage in SLC.  I am the Operations Manager.  It may sound kinda boring to you, but it is actually quite exciting and I am pumped and ready.  I started Wednesday and am working to get things in full swing.

I have so many thoughts and emotions going through my head and I am going to share those another day soon (I just finished running sound for the kids show at the theatre and my brain has turned off until I have to go back later tonight.)

So, until that glorious day, I bid you a fond farewell for now.