02 June 2009

My life is GOOD!

Yes our 3 month old is still sleeping in our room, yes I still wake up at least twice a night to check on her and watch her breathe, and yes she sleeps ALL through the night without a peep! So what.. I am the Mom, I can choose where my little lady sleeps! At least she isn't finding her way into our bed every morning at 5:00. Just sayin!

This little beauty is the last thing I see at night and the first thing I see in the morning!

You all know you want a close up!

P.S. Aunt Brookie let us borrow this wonderful cradle, so that would explain why the bedding is blue. Brooke has 6 beautiful children, the last 3 are boys!


Chareth Cutestory, Maritime Lawyer said...

She is so dang cute!
I did the same thing with Max when he was three months old - I moved his crib into our room for a few months. It made me feel more at ease because I could see his little face and the whole family slept better. I think it's a great idea!

Chad said...

Don't worry Megan...you're doing better than I did. Emma didn't have her own room at all until her first birthday. And, she DIDN'T sleep through the night until she was 9 months old...at least. So, you topped me. And, I still get up and go in her room to check on her. She's almost 2. This next one will hopefully be easier.

Cheryl said...

I finally put Ava in her own room at 4 months old and it was very difficult! You already know how well she sleeps at night and I don't need to remind anyone.....

you are the momma and you are doing everything perfect :)

Sarah Larsen said...

She is so sweet. I can't wait! Hey I need your address so I can invite you to my shower! will you write back on my blog or facebook me??

Julie said...

SHE SLEEPS THROUGH THE NIGHT?!???????!! OH my gosh, how in the heck did you get her to do that at 3 months? Hannah didn't start sleeping the entire night until she was 9 months.

PS she is darling. Good job on making a cutie pie!

Bethany said...

and she wears SHOES?!?!?!?!? i hate pigs.