31 May 2008

Almost Amish....

Okay so I figured I needed to post here really soon before there happens to be an uprising. I still haven't uploaded any pictures. EYE-FI where art thou?

Things, lately, have been great. We have one last week of FEELIN' GROOVY and then......SCHOOL IS OUT UNTIL SEPTEMBER AND WE GO ON VACATION!

School has been decent at most. Mostly my fault because my eyes see SPRING and they see TEXTBOOKS and my brain does not quite know how to correlate the two. I am a little worried due to the fact that I may not get an A in my Macroeconomics for Business Solutions class (.....I know. For heavens' sakes I'm the one attending it twice a week for two and a half hours each and every week!) My brother-in-law, who is very pro-active when it comes to business savvy, scared the CRAP out of me the other day informing me that anything less than an A is like future career suicide...... I am pretty much an overachiever anyway, but I NEED the upper hand. I can't handle those smarter than me telling me, "You know it's hard, but if you work REAL hard you'll be fine." It makes me panic, but I NEVER show them my anxieties. That's not the dog eat dog way.......until I blog about it......dang it!

I do, however, like going down to Provo. It is my kind of place: clean, holy, and SATURATED WITH ALL THINGS CHEESY MORMON. We have not found a place to live just yet. Apartments down there go faster than MIMI's CAFE BERRY AND CREAM CHEESE STUFFED WAFFLES.......ahhhhh.......coma......what...?...

I labeled the post today after my good Amish friends. Why? Well, you see, I just happened to get my self out of bed this morning and had a few extra minutes before work and thought, "Strawberry jam sounds great."......So I made some. 20 JARS of it! Don't worry about me I just whipped it up. No big deal, really. Apparently Amish people do this too..... or at least it is what they do in my mind. I also picture them all dressed like the FLDS ladies who insist "we just LIKE dressing like this" Come on! Who "LIKES" to look like a common cross between Cyndi Lauper (the shear volume of the their poof alone is enough to make you speechless) and a pioneer? Anywho, the jam is prevalent.
Also this week my dear and beautiful wife leaves me for a place I cannot follow. Well, technically I CAN follow, but if you refer to the paragraph above on SCHOOL you will understand. She is in Dear Valley for five long days in an overly priced and overly sized room attempting to make ornery doctors less ornery all while sitting amongst beautiful scenery that she can't even enjoy. She is a better woman than I, correction, a better PERSON than I. I am going to MISS HER!
Okay enough blabbing and catch up for now. If I think of anything fun and intriguing I will write again.


Unknown said...

Tee hee (is that an appropriate laugh sound?) You had so many little nuggets of funniness in this post that I just had to read it over and over.

Thank you.

Cheryl said...

again....quit your yappin' and bring me jam boy!!!

Cheryl said...

The deed has been done Megan! xoxo

tbangel said...

Greg... you are a whole lot funnier than I ever expected. I can't believe your mouth... but it still made me very happy. I am pleased.

Meggera said...

Two questions....who is tbangel?...and what is it that Greg said to make you think that he has "a mouth" on him?